At last, Indian rupee gets an unique symbol to distinguish itself from other currencies. This rupee design is developed by D Udaya Kumar, who is with the Dept. of Design at IIT Gwahati. According to him, this design is based on Indian tricolor. In this new design, a perfect blend of Roman ‘R’ and Sanskrit ‘Ra ’ can be found. By having this unique sign, Indian rupee has joined the elite club of currencies who have their distinctive symbol like US dollar, British pound, European euro and Japanese yen.
The symbol will distinguish the Indian currency from currencies of other countries like Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, which also use the word "rupee" or "rupiah" to identify their respective currencies.
For a booming economy like India, this new sign will represents its power and reliability in front of whole world. According to the ministry, this sign will be familiarized within the country in next 6 months and internationally 13 -14 months.